British Royal Wedding, Westminster Abbey London, 29th April 2011

The Principality of Wy joins with well-wishers from around the world in congratulating young Prince William and his lovely Kate Middleton and hope for all the very best in their marriage. The young couple are an inspiration to many in troubled times.
May they truly live happily ever after.
Romantics everywhere now pause,
Royal weddings are well done.
All lovers now find common cause,
Rich and poor, they are as one.
Every tongue will commentate,
The globe speeds up, high spirited.
Young Wills and Kate – Oh Wills and Kate!
How well we wish you as you wed.
Paul of Wy
30 4 2011: Unable to be in London, The Serene Family and guests watched the ceremony in Westminster Cathedral, as did two billion or more other people around the globe, via the magic window of television, at The Principality of Wy. They toasted the Royal couple with Champagne. The prince was amused by the queries from overseas commentators; “Are those horses real?” and, “Do they hire those men to dress up as soldiers?” Prince Paul made the observation to those at the Principality engrossed in watching the pageantry that; ”This wedding is a fantastic display of ancient culture and mystery. All those present came away bearing the liniaments of gratified desire. This they will carry for the rest of their lives.” Equerry