- AFP News: Ruling from your home, Inside Australia’s micronations boom
- The Daily Telegraph, May 23 2010: ‘Rebel’ Aussies start their own monarchies
- Sydney Morning Herald, April 17 2010: “Meeting of the Mini Me Brigade”
- Arab News, May 3 2010: Fed up with your country? Create your own!
- The Telegraph (UK), May 4 2010: The world’s micronations unite to demand recognition
- Sky News, May 23 2010: Aussies Reject Authority To Adopt Home Rule
- Kuwait Times, May 04 2010: Fed up with your country? Create your own!
- The Telegraph UK, May 04 2010: A selection of the world’s micro-nations
- The National Abu Dhabi, April 18th 2010: Delegates make it regal at summit
- News.com.au, May 24 2010: ‘Rebel’ Aussies start their own monarchies