This Document, presented below is The Decree of Secession of the Principality of Wy from Mosman Municipal Council, as it was worded, which was graciously accepted by The Mayor of Mosman on November 15th 2004 in a Formal Ceremony at Mosman Council Chambers in the presence of Television and Press media.
Her Worship, The Mayor and the Serene Family were splendidly attired in Full Regalia.
As a result of a meeting of Mosman Municipal Council on the 15th of November 2004 when council voted almost unanimously to deny my family access to our legal road frontage and direct road access I have found myself with no choice but to cut my property off from The Municipality and declare it:
On that night our property ceased to exist,
Today is created The Principality of Wy
This painful decision was born out of a profound sense of alienation. It appeared that my family and myself faced the appalling prospect of becoming persons of of no fixed address.
The Gypsies of Balmoral!
Casting around for a solution to this dilemma I (We) have recently been examining the history and circumstances of the Hutt River Province Principality in Western Australia.
There appears to be no similar adornment on this side of our great island-continent. The Government of New South Wales and indeed The Municipality of Mosman may not be spontaneously responsive but We believe We detect a longing and a readiness in the hearts of the Australian people, faced with the seeming inevitability of The Republic for the courageous creative inspiration of an entity born out of individual adversity in the face of bureaucracy and politics. Accordingly We secede and declare Our Property to be; The Principality of Wy
(The name is drawn from neighbouring Wyargine Point)
We find it hard to forgive this dastardly deed of alienation from a suburb for whom we have done so much, but are prepared to make our lonely path, which may hopefully lead us into possible integration with a more friendly suburb.
Perhaps Manly would like us – or Botany.
In any case We will be ready when required to tender to the Governor General and all appropriate bodies such as Mosman Council the required diplomatic documents. Stamps, coins and passports are being devised by a Royal idle mind . My wife who spoke with great courage at the Council meeting will make an articulate and worthy Princess. Denmark has its Mary and Wy has Princess Susan Mary. We are prepared to pay rates to Mosman Council for the collection of garbage only as we will be receiving no other services from Council. We will remain subject to the State of NSW and the Commonwealth of Australia and pay all State and Federal taxes. We will continue to recognise Her Most Gracious Majesty The Queen as Our Sovereign Lady.
By Decree, this day, the 16th day of November 2004
Signed, Prince Paul of Wy