The Principality of Wy sponsors The Archy Wyld Art Award. The judge is Prince Paul of Wy assisted by Archy Wyld, a Ring Tail Possum, who lives in a well appointed hollow log at The Principality. Archy grew up with art. In 1885 an Impressionist artist left a 9 by 5 inch cigar box lid painting in the Wyld hollow log home, never returning to retrieve it. Here is a drawing that the prince has made of his friend and fellow art judge. Like all possums in Australia, Archy Wyld is nocturnal and sleeps during the hot Sydney days. Archy prefers to be drawn under soft lighting. He is a frequent visitor to the studio of Prince Paul. When he sees a work of art that he likes Archy rings the little bell on his tail. He is very proud of The Archy Wyld Art Award
In the daytime Prince Paul has visits from very tiny native Australian birds; exquisite Silver Eyes, Finches and Wrens. They complain to the prince of the predations of larger birds. He is pleased that they find safe sanctuary in the dense prickly shrubs around his Studio. An old shaving mirror (See Why Wy? – below) provides much entertainment for the Prince’s feathered friends and they spend a great deal of time preening, which gives the prince opportunities to sketch them. Equerry